Sitemap - 2023 - Finding the Flotsam

Baseball in December

Connecting the Dots

4 Things

Maggie After Dark...


Screwdriver, wrench or duct tape

Saturday Mind Wars

Literal Chicken Soup for the Soul

Striking "Grief" from the Dictionary

Earth & Pentacles

My new muse: gratitude and ease

4 Things That Smoothed a Bumpy Week

Fucking Apples

One for You & One for Me.

Embracing the Woo-Woo

A yellow piece of paper

Dear Me: Transformational Writing

The Power of Alignment

Weekly Jetsam 8.27.23

I loathe icebreakers.

Embrace You Inner Light

Weekly Jetsam 8.13.23

I've Got Boggle Brain.

I'm feeling run down.

What Makes You a Decent Human?

Weekly Jetsam 7.23.23

Just try being with it.

FRAGILITY (Read & Reflect #28)

Weekly Jetsam 7.9.23

My inner critic threw a party.

Weekly Jetsam 7.2.23

The Grief We Choose

Weekly Jetsam 6.25.23

AWARENESS (Read & Reflect #27)

The Crying Jacket

Rigor mortis and counting cracks.

Weekly Jetsam 6.11.23

IN BETWEEN (Read & Reflect #26)

Weekly Jetsam 6.4.23

flipping old scripts

Weekly Jetsam 5.28.23

DEATH (Read & Reflect #25)

You’re right around the corner from a different life.

Weekly Jetsam 5.21.23

BLOOM (Read & Reflect #24)

Don't be the Kool-Aid man

Things I Never Said (to my mom)

BAD DAYS (Read & Reflect #23)

Tolerating discomfort

Weekly Jetsam 5.7.23

ACCEPTANCE (Read & Reflect #22)

Embracing Messiness: Why I Opt for Dot Journals Over Traditional Lined Notebooks (sometimes)

Weekly Jetsam 4.30.23

BELONGING (Read & Reflect #21)

We all just want to feel seen and held.

Weekly Jetsam 4.23.23

GROWTH (Read & Reflect #20)

I'm being haunted by a goose.

Spring is a heartbreaker.

BASICS (Read & Reflect #19)

The value of letting others in.

Weekly Jetsam 4.9.23

BALANCE (Read & Reflect #18)

The value of taking yourself seriously.

Weekly Jetsam 4.2.23

CURIOSITY (Read & Reflect #17)

Honoring the screams of my body.

Weekly Jetsam 3.26.23

SHEDDING (Read & Reflect #16)

Building grief airplanes.

Weekly Jetsam 3.19.23

EMOTIONAL HUNKERING (Read & Reflect #15)

My personal evidence board.

Weekly Jetsam 3.12.23

LEARNING TO TOLERATE (Read & Reflect #14)

Give yourself permission to pivot.

Weekly Jetsam 3.4.23

TURNING TOWARD RAW (Read & Reflect #13)

Investing in yourself is the best money you'll spend.

Weekly Jetsam 2.25.23

EMOTIONAL STORM PREP (Read & Reflect #12)

Embracing rest and challenging all or nothing thinking.

Weekly Jetsam 2.19.2023

CONNECTION (Read & Reflect #11)

You can't always get what you want.

Weekly Jetsam 2.12.2023

GRATITUDE (Read & Reflect #10)

Learning to live alongside kryptonite.

Weekly Jetsam 2.4.2023

CONVERSATIONS (Read & Reflect #9)

Learning to color outside the lines.

Weekly Jetsam 1.29.2023

CLOSE ENOUGH. (Read & Reflect #8)

What are you going to do with this information?

Weekly Jetsam 1.22.2023

Soul before statistics.

LETTING GO, AGAIN. (Read & Reflect #7)

Be good to you. Be kind to you.

Weekly Jetsam 1.15.2023

Friday the 13th

FEAR (Read & Reflect #6)

Bumping into old patterns is not failure.

Weekly Jetsam 1.8.2023

HOPE (Read and Reflect #5)

You deserve the best life has to offer.

Weekly Jetsam 1.1.2023