It’s just as clingy as the fake cheddar that coats Smartfood.
Except it’s the wrong color and doesn’t taste as good when it gets in my mouth.
It’s pollen season.
The air is streaked with a yellow hue.
Windowsills require frequent intervention from a Swiffer.
There’s no avoiding being exposed.
Its effects linger. A sneeze. A runny nose.
But for something that causes a lot of discomfort, it sure does a lot of good.
Pollen season reminds me of a time when my heart was not open to love, or affirmation or hope.
I’d close the doors. Place my hands over my ears.
I’d frantically attempt to sweep away the good.
But no matter how hard I tried, small particles of good snuck through.
At first they’d make my skin crawl. Each encounter caused discomfort.
But just like pollen, those pesky particles clung on.
Eventually, they worked their way into my system.
My reactions dwindled with exposure.
And just like pollen, they allowed me to begin to bloom.
Are there aspects of your life where you tend to close yourself off to good experiences? What might be the underlying fear?
What are some small particles of goodness or positive experiences that have managed to sneak into your life despite attempts to avoid them? How can you cultivate a greater openness to these moments and allow them to gradually impact your overall well-being?
Incorporate more mindfulness & fun into your life this month with my journal, Lessons from Nature. It’s filled with 30 items and corresponding prompts to practice intentionally using your sense of sight to explore your world.
Want to continue to connect? You can find me on Instagram.
Maggie, I love the analogy of pollen and the stickiness of the tiny particles of hope and love. D
Love this ❤️ it helps us bloom!