Right there with you, but instead a Southern, evangelical Christian tradition priming me for the world of woo. My current spiritual path is paved with an eclectic mix of traditions-- which is challenging to reconcile at times.

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Ah! Yes! I totally get the whole “mix” and “match” mentality. That’s what I do. I take what resonates, and leave the rest. It’s definitely taken me a while to be okay with that mentality after carrying the idea that things have to be “all” or “nothing” for so long!

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My eclectic Christian background primed me as well - Pentecostal youth group was verrrrry woo 😅

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Maggie Glennon

You are not alone in the Woowoo, so glad I stumbled upon your stack today. I'm calling it divine guidance.

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Love when things find us at the right time! Glad to have you here! :)

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Maggie Glennon

I love the woo and I’m right there with you crazy wise. I need some tarot cards me thinks!

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UM YES. You absolutely need some stat!!!!!

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Yessssss 👏🏽

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Liked by Maggie Glennon

Oh boy. I love, love, love that you are not letting fear win. It is so easy to do the opposite in the current climate. And so essential to run toward your Highest Expression of God-Source-Light in YOU! I also grew in MA - and hated it. I said I'd move back only if G-d dragged me kicking and screaming. Instead a still small voice called me in the midst of a traumatic first marriage (I was in college and was preggers - having got knocked up six weeks after the wedding - I had had tried my best to be an evangelical Christian...weirdly more Christ stuff makes sense now that I'm as you say, WOO WOO - but that's another story. I moved back to the Greater Boston Area and was led to a tiny Methodist church (well relatively tiny) where I met my beloved. We've been married twenty years and have three kids, two dogs and a cat. I've been having visions of the cat I expect to join us soon. We will see. After not having access to an account, this week I transcended and shed some layers in order to get the help I needed to be able to access stuff I had already purchased. Today I visited an old course I did in which, in the vision exercise we met our higher self and our inner child. Now interestingly, Eagle just popped in for me this week, having forgotten about this vision.

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"During the visualization my other self was a woman who was also an eagle. She was beautiful, yet her eyes, though very clear, had tears of sadness coming out of them. Her feathers were normal eagle colors, browns and tans.

My inner child was the one who actually stepped forward to assist her. And I have done a lot of inner wok with my child. She was robust in her joy and innocence. My inner child climbed on Eagle Woman's shoulders and proceeded to dump water on her head multiple times, in addition to the sparkles , which she began pulling from the air as light sparkles, which worked better for Eagle Woman than the ones from the earth. Eagle woman's wings turned to pastel colors, and my inner child spontaneously connected to her hands and began pulling her around in a circle until Eagle woman was swinging my innocent child around, with her legs out stretched (something I forgot I loved to do as a child and often did with the children I babysat as a teenager and with my own kids when they were smaller.) Soon they were both smiling and laughing. "

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Wow! What a beautiful experience. Thank you for sharing! I’ve had a lot of transformative experiences myself involving birds and bird imagery! ❤️ Happy to have you here.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Maggie Glennon

Thank you for this! It's a funny dance we do, wondering how people perceive us and changing to fit the mold. Then one day, you realize that that part of you IS who you are. Took me til I was 40 something - so you're way ahead of the curve. Embrace the Woo! xo

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Cheers to DIY spirituality! I teared up reading this. So beautiful that you shared poetry with your mom and that you’re listening to that still small voice. 🩷

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And I have crow tarot too!! 🖤🖤🖤

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Isn't it a great deck!?!? Love those damn birds. Thanks for the support as always Lindsey!

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Girl, I can’t even tell you how much money I spent on peanuts last year trying to do the same thing. Then I had to stop because the Blue Jays were being greedy little peanut hogs.

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I have a small family of crows in my neighborhood and I’m trying to woo them with peanuts 🤣🤣 my spouse thinks I’m crazy, but I want a crow familiar so bad!!

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