It’s been a while since I've shared a little roundup of what’s been capturing my attention. I always love scanning other people’s lists. There’s something about someone sharing very pointed recommendations that I enjoy, so I figured a balmy July day was the perfect time to share mine.
What are you into lately? Any good reads, listens, activities? Share them!
1: A Year of Nothing—
I quickly devoured 1/2 of Emma Gannon’s new book. Despite the fact I started by reading the second half first it’s full of so many gems and reminds me of a lot of what was happening in my brain my first year after I quit teaching.
2: Couples Therapy & Orna Guralnick
A few weeks back I listened to an interview with Dr. Orna Guralnick. At the time, I had no clue who she was. I don’t watch a lot of TV and when I do, it’s definitely not reality TV, but there was something about her energy that drew me in. So here I am with a subscription to Paramount+ and an addiction to Couples Therapy. This show is so thoughtfully done. It’s not only fascinating to watch Orna work, but also to follow along on each couple’s journey.
3: Mindful Body Scan Art
Last weekend, I ran a workshop focused on using art as a grounding tool. One of the activities we did was a body scan which then turned into a piece of art. It was amazing to see people’s aha’s moments when they took the sensations they felt in their body and mapped them out on paper. One participant shared how it would be such a helpful practice to do this a few times a week and observe the changes. Give it a whirl and let me know what you think!
4: Vulfpeck
Can you ever go wrong with some funk? This has been my jam when I need a little pick me up lately.
They also released this new jam semi-recently and it’s an EARWORM.